Red and Green Christmas
In Red and Green Christmas, you and your friends take on the roles of two rivaling characters in a race to be the Christmas Champion.
Because of its 2-player limitation, you and your friends will need to work closely together to win. In the first game, you get to pick whether you'll be on the red or green team. The red light is the second indicator. In the section describing the subsequent year, there is a passageway. Using it as a springboard, you can rescue your friend, find the exit, and finish the chapter. This is a great game to play with loved ones throughout the Christmas season. When groups of people engage in this activity together, they form stronger bonds. Have some fun together now by playing a game.
How To Play
Move and use WASD + Arrow Keys.
2 PLAYERACTIONARCADECHRISTMASarcadeadventure2d2players1playeractionchristmas2021